help for big cats

FOUR PAWS believes that big cats should not be kept as pets or for entertainment, as these wild animals suffer in captivity under inadequate keeping conditions including lack of expert care, frequent travelling, training and intensive interaction with humans. Unfortunately, thousands of big cats still live under very poor conditions in circuses, zoos and private ownership. Uncontrolled breeding causes ‘surplus’ animals that either end up dead or (illegally) traded to unsuitable places.
FOUR PAWS calls for the improvement of legal standards regarding keeping conditions in certified zoological facilities and sanctuaries and demands a ban on other forms of captivity. Devising solutions for unwanted and illegally kept big cats plays a crucial role in our work. Our big cat sanctuaries and centres offer rescued big cats a species-appropriate home.

Male and female lions behind fence

FOUR PAWS position on the DFFE White Paper

White Paper deviates significantly from the initial, highly progressive draft 

Petting of white tiger cub

Barely Wild

Inside the big cat farming industry for tourism

Tigers Shevar and Sharukh at the LIONSROCK

Survey shows South Africans want better protection for big cats

94% of South Africans say big cats should be better protected by the country’s laws and regulations. 

Lion Tharon

Lion Population Decreases by 75% in Five Decades

Professor Andrew Loveridge and Dr Lara Sousa model the most likely baseline for lion populations in Africa

Big Cats: Way of Life & Behaviour

Big Cats: Way of Life & Behaviour

What characterizes these large carnivores and how do they spend their lives in the wild?

Two white lions

Captive Breeding For Exterior Traits

Commercial interests disguised as species protection

two lions - canned hunting

Canned Lion Hunting

Born to be killed: lion hunting in South Africa


Visit our Big Cat Sanctuary LIONSROCK

in South Africa

