Man with a sheep - symbolic image for the Wear it Kind Brand Directory

FOUR PAWS Rates Over 200 Fashion Brands, Revealing Massive Shortcomings in Animal Welfare

South Africans among those who participated in a global YouGov poll rating fashion brands animal welfare 


Cape Town, 05 August 2024 – A new global YouGov poll shows over a quarter of people (27%) now avoid animal-based fashion, while only four per cent of rated fashion brands have published clear reduction commitments for animal-derived materials (ADMs). Meanwhile approximately five billion animals are at risk of severe suffering for clothing items, due to routine mutilations and poor husbandry, or being killed directly for products made of fur. In response, global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS has launched – the “Wear It Kind Directory” – which compiles results for the reduction and refinement of ADMs of over 200 international fashion brands. Although positive progress has been made by many brands such as Ganni, Everlane and Stella McCartney, the road to more kindness in the closet is still a long one. For example, 61% of brands must do more to credibly exclude the use of live-plucked feathers. Over a third of shoppers (36%) said they will choose one brand over the other if it prioritises animal welfare. The FOUR PAWS Directory empowers consumers to understand how fashion brands perform on animal welfare and encourages companies to urgently step up their animal welfare commitments.

In April 2024 FOUR PAWS commissioned a public opinion poll conducted by the renowned market research institute YouGov among almost 11,000 shoppers in twelve countries*. The results show that a vast majority of people are concerned about the treatment of animals in global fashion production. Of highest (81%) concern is about the usage of fur, followed by down feather (59%) and wool (33%).

The global poll indicated that 68% of South African respondents are aware of animal cruelty issues in the fashion industry. Many of the South African respondents expressed that they were all fairly concerned about animal welfare in many of the animal derived material (ADMs) categories such as 80% concern for exotic feathers such as ostrich, 82% for exotic leather such as crocodile and 74% for domesticated animal leather.  

“Consumers are increasingly concerned by the mistreatment of animals for fashion. For a growing number of people, dressing up does not mean letting animals down. The impacts of their use on the climate crisis are also becoming more widely recognised. Many animals used for textiles are ruminants, which are high emitters of greenhouse gases and require huge areas for grazing or feed. Consumers have the power to push brands forward and call for changes that end cruelty towards our fellow sentient beings, who feel pain, fear and stress. The data shows, brands must keep up to remain relevant.” 

Fiona Miles, Director of FOUR PAWS in South Africa

Kind purchases on the rise            

According to the poll every second adult (50%) say companies should give animal protection equal priority to environmental protection and social standards (working conditions). Over a fifth (22%) of adults said they currently seek out or purchase fashion items with animal welfare credentials, whereas more than every fourth (27%) person has decided to avoid animal-derived fashion all together.

“While many companies listed within the Wear It Kind Directory have made progress towards better animal welfare, most brands have not done enough to reduce their use of animal-derived materials, despite consumer demand for animal-free fashion. This is especially concerning as animal agriculture continues to expand and intensify when it urgently needs to decline if we are to meet global animal welfare and environmental goals.” says Fiona Miles. 

Background information

The Wear It Kind Directory 

The Wear It Kind Directory is a digital database that will allow consumers to better understand fashion brands commitments and progress across four key animal welfare areas within their fashion supply chains: the use and avoidance of live lamb cutting (mulesing) in wool supply chains, live plucking in down and feather supply chains, the use of fur and the reduction of animal-derived materials (ADMs) overall. The Directory does not provide an overall brand ranking and does not consider a brand’s entire use of animal-derived materials. However, by increasing transparency and measuring progress across key areas, FOUR PAWS can encourage brands to achieve targeted lasting change for animals on the ground.


FOUR PAWS have rated the brands against a set of traffic light indicators according to their action on fur, live lamb cutting (wool), live plucking (down) and on the overall reduction of ADMs in their supply chains. For fur use, the decisive factor for a maximum positive rating (dark green) within this category was if the brand prohibits the use of fur and has signed up to the international Fur Free Retailer program. For live plucking FOUR PAWS considered if the brand could trace its materials back to their origin, including their parent farms, if the brand has ceased its use of virgin down towards recycled and animal-free alternatives or no longer uses down at all. For live lamb cutting, the highest rating was achieved if 100 per cent of wool is live lamb cut-free and certified, or if the brand does not use wool at all. A red rating was given to brands that had not yet taken any steps towards refining their supply chains on particular issues or reducing ADMs.

The Wear It Kind Directory can be accessed here.

*The global opinion poll was conducted online between 3 – 18 April 2024 in twelve countries: Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+). Brands included in the Wear It Kind Directory are from across the world, but primarily from Europe and the US. 

**FOUR PAWS categorised the use of certified down to mitigate live plucking at a lower action level than the use of certified wool to mitigate live lamb cutting. Supply chains for down are at a higher risk of the focal animal welfare issue being unmitigated. In recent years several investigations have indicated that major issues persist within down supply chains. 

Woman with a fox - symbolic image

The Wear It Kind Directory

See how your favourite brands rate regarding four key animal welfare issues!

Public Relations Officer ZA

Deidre Daniels

Public Relations Officer

+27 (0)21 702 4277

+27 (0)78 675 8220

9B Bell Crescent, Westlake Business Park, 
Green Building, Cape Town, 7945

A Public Relations professional with over eight years’ experience in fostering positive relationships between organisations and media.

FOUR PAWS is the global animal welfare organisation for animals under direct human influence, which reveals suffering, rescues animals in need and protects them. Founded in 1988 in Vienna by Heli Dungler and friends, the organisation advocates for a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding. The sustainable campaigns and projects of FOUR PAWS focus on companion animals including stray dogs and cats, farm animals and wild animals – such as bears, big cats and orangutans – kept in inappropriate conditions as well as in disaster and conflict zones. With offices in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Kosovo, the Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, the UK, the USA and Vietnam as well as sanctuaries for rescued animals in eleven countries, FOUR PAWS provides rapid help and long-term solutions. 

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