E-book: Londi Learns About Lions at LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary

A special gift for your support


This children’s book tells the story of Londi and his adventures – a tale of sorrow, empathy and hope!

We are happy to share this book digitally, so you can read it and enjoy it, especially in times like this. You can order a print version at LIONSROCK.


The age-old story of the African Lion can be traced to many places. The events in this book recount how Londi experienced this at LIONSROCK where he first heard the awe-inspiring roar of a lion. The sound rumbled all around him and reached into the depths of his soul. It was majestic and it told the story of Africa.Taking walks at LIONSROCK and looking out over the savannah, he discovered more about the plight of lions. In the background the pride roared, telling their story and asking him to be their voice and the voice of countless other lions kept in captivity. Their roars will never be heard in the wild.What Londi comes to realise is that the hope for ending the abuse of big cats is in the hands of the youth of the world. This book shows young and old alike that compassion and care towards animals have a fundamental and positive impact on the future of us all, and that we can all do something, whether big or small, to help organisations such as FOUR PAWS create a world where animals are treated as sentient beings; with respect, empathy and understanding. With these words, let’s join Londi at LIONSROCK, sound the call to action and start to fight for the lions! Rise up and roar for lions!

E-book: Londi Learns About Lions at LIONSROCK

E-book: Londi Learns About Lions at LIONSROCK

This children’s book tells the story of Londi and his adventures – a tale of sorrow, empathy and hope!

We would like to thank the author Ralph Ratshitanga and Julie Sneeden for the beautiful illustrations!

FOUR PAWS reading corner

This special book, dedicated to his sons, was written by father and author Ralph Ratshitanga and meant to inspire children to read and have compassion for animals. Join our reading corner below as we read the book together chapter by chapter.

Londi Learns About Lions at Lionsrock

Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.

Intro: Londi Learns About Lions at LIONSROCK

Join us for daily readings about Londi’s adventures. 

Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.

Chapter 1 & 2

Find out where Londi and his family go for their exciting family getaway. 

Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.

Chapter 3 & 4

Londi sees lions for the first time! Find out about this exciting experience with his new friend, Hilton. 

Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.

Chapter 5 & 6 

Hilton tells Londi all about the canned hunting industry. 

Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.

Chapter 7 & 8

In this chapter, we find out more about a lion rescue that the LIONSROCK team is planning. 

Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.

Chapter 9 & 10 

In this chapter, the LIONSROCK team rescues a lioness and her cubs. 

Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.

Chapter 11

Today, we read the last chapter. Londi and his mom get to meet the rescued lioness and her cubs, and Londi has to say goodbye to his new friend. 



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