Big Cat Documentary Film: DETHRONED
"When a King falls, his kingdom trembles" – a story that needed to be told
Challenge your perceptions of big cats: For millennia, big cats have been revered, the source of our greatest wonders, and our greatest fears.
Check the quiz below to learn more about the life of big cats and our ever-evolving perceptions of them.
If you want to learn more, read about our award-winning film DETHRONED, or watch the trailer on YouTube.
Change How the Story Ends
This quiz invites you to explore how the relationship between big cats and humans has evolved and challenges your perceptions. Ready for these 9 questions? Answer what fits most, there are no wrong answers.
Question - of -
1. What is your first thought when you see a big cat in captivity?
2. What is so appealing about interacting with big cats?
3. Is there a difference between a captive facility and a sanctuary?
4. What are some common misconceptions about keeping big cats as pets?
5. How does commercial big cat trade affect wild populations?
6. How is social media affecting our relationship with big cats?
7. Do you think stricter laws are needed to protect big cats?
8. Big cat trade is not a global problem, it only happens in specific countries.
9. How do cultural attitudes towards big cats influence protecting big cats?
Our choices today shape the world of tomorrow
Stand up for big cats and help rewrite their story #Dethroned #BreakTheViciousCycle
DETHRONED synopsis
Big cats have been revered by mankind for millennia, but what has become of the relationship between us in modern day?
Photojournalist Aaron Gekoski has spent his life documenting the interplay of people and planet. Now he’s turning his camera on these icons of the ancients.
From the jungles of Peru and the lion farms of South Africa to exotic pet owners in Pakistan and Southeast Asia’s illegal wildlife trade, DETHRONED is a thoughtful and beautifully crafted investigation into our relationship with big cats.
Ultimately it asks: what becomes of us when we destroy all that is sacred?