Happy Bear!

Save an Animal – be a Hero!

Learn more about what you can do and play our game


Everyone of you is able to make a change in the world and for animals. One area of the work of FOUR PAWS is to rescue animals in need on challenging missions. Learn more about, what you can do and play our game here:

If you rub over the picture with the mouse (on the screen) or the finger (on the cell phone), you can free our animals!

Meet our bears Dasha and Leyla: 

After a lifetime spent in a small concrete cage - these girls were rescued and now live happy, healthy and as free as possible at our BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr. Read there story!

Story of Dasha and Leyla
Story of Dasha and Leyla
Story of Dasha and Leyla

What you can do?

  • Speak with your parents about animal welfare topics
  • Learn more about animals: #ClickAndLearn
  1. Encourage your family to try out our animal-friendly recipes
  2. Take good care of your pet(s) – read our guides!
  3. Choose animal-friendly leisure time activities  
  4. Be kind to animals and nature

Meet dog Veronica:

Poor Veronica was suffering from a severe skin disease and starvation when she was found on the street. Unless this girl received urgent medical care, it was sure that she would not survive much longer. Our partner organisation, Headrock Dogs Rescue, treated her and within just four weeks, Veronica looked like a different dog and she was even adopted into a loving home! Read her story!

Story of Veronica
Story of Veronica
Story of Veronica

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